

Our first deep dive into the weird and wonderful synchronicities between football and theatre featuring interviews with the obsessives equally enthralled by kick-off and curtain up.
Comedian David Baddiel reveals the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, actor Michelle Gayle compares theatre directors to Arsène Wenger or Sir Alex Ferguson, playwright Roy Williams describes how football inspires his writing and designer Lucy Osborne explains why she based a new theatre on Barcelona’s Camp Nou. Plus many more theories, anecdotes, stories and speculations about the strange, seductive, addictive overlaps between art and sport, football and theatre.
Starring comedian David Baddiel, actors Michelle Gayle and Simon Darwen, playwrights Roy Williams, Brad Birch, Vinay Patel and Sam Steiner, director Amy Hodge and designer Lucy Osborne. Written and hosted by James Grieve. Sound design by Tom Gibbons. Recorded at The National Theatre in London who generously donated their sound studio.
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Starring David Baddiel, Michelle Gayle, Simon Darwen, Roy Williams, Brad Birch, Vinay Patel, Sam Steiner, Amy Hodge, Lucy Osborne. Written and hosted by James Grieve. Sound design by Tom Gibbons. Recorded at The National Theatre in London.
More info>

football X theatre